Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Using Mobile Phone as a Wii like controller for playing games on large public dispaly

The paper itself explores the possibility of utilizing a mobile phone device to interact with large screens when playing games by using 3D accelorometers and motion sensors. This whole aspect is mostly unexplored due to the relatively new nature of such a feature. The phone controller system itself is based on Bluetooth (connection between game client and server) for communication while using J2ME as the framework. The accelorometers collected three information: x,y,z and those data were sent out via Bluetooth for carrying out the communication.

The whole phone was tested on a large public display by various groups and when questioned on how to improve this the players said that the games should also account the changes in speed (the game only account for change in direction). The game that was tested was a racing game on a specific course where the person used his/her hand held to control the car. In conclusion this can help people see the possibility of utilizing such designed for games on mobile phones itself.

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